Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action Review

Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action
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Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action Review"Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11" is David Ray Griffin's best book on 9/11. It should be read by every American citizen.

In Chapter 1, Griffin reviews the long history of U.S. government-sponsored "false flag" operations worldwide, in which the CIA and its subordinate allied agencies in NATO and foreign governments collaborated to create the appearance of "terrorism" by killing unnumbered innocent ordinary people. The shock of the mass murders allowed passage of draconian legislation and controlled the politics of countries of special concern to U.S. interests, especially in Europe. In other words, there is extensive historical evidence that 9/11 was only the largest-scale among many comparable secret operations by the U.S..
In Chapter 2, Griffin quotes from and summarizes the extensive testimony by firefighters and other first responders at the WTC on September 11 which proves beyond any doubt that multiple bomb explosions occurred throughout both towers both before and after the buildings were struck by flying objects. Some of this testimony he has culled from news reports, but the majority of the accounts comes from newly released oral histories collected by the FDNY but suppressed until last summer by the City of New York.
In Chapter 3 Griffin demonstrates conclusively that the two towers as well as WTC 7, a 47-story steel-framed building, were brought down by controlled demolition. He exhaustively catalogues the characteristic features of controlled demolitions which were all exemplified in the collapses of the WTC buildings.
In Chapter 4 Griffin presents a streamlined overview of the many lies and distortions put out by the 9/11 Commission to "explain away" the innumerable suspicions which have arisen with respect to the flights of the hijacked airliners and the lack of standard response to them (the standdown).
In Chapter 5 Griffin concludes Part I with a demonstration that the "prima facie" case for government complicity in the mass murders established in his first two 9/11 books has now become a "conclusive" case.
In Part II Griffin shifts from presentation of evidence about what happened on that black day to the broader questions raised. In Chapter 6 he establishes an array of "imperial motives" for the "New Pearl Harbor" of 9/11, showing that from the perspective of government planners the benefits to be gained made the risks of all sorts seem insignificant. Loss of life they have no concern for, as shown in Chapter 1, and the necessary changes in society that would ensue (exemplified by the PATRIOT Act) were desirable from the standpoint of the imperial planners.
In Chapter 7 he first shows how the U.S. Empire is remarkably similar to the Roman Empire of 2000 years ago in its sense of divine authorization, its overwhelming military power, its use of terror to intimidate, its use of puppet rulers in countries under its control, and its exaction of "tribute and taxation" from subordinate populations. He then shows that Jesus of Nazareth, the central historical personage for Christians to this day, was the founder of an "anti-imperial gospel" that called upon his compatriots to resist the oppression and idolatry of the Roman Empire.

In Chapter 8 Griffin brings his many decades of philosophical and theological work on the nature of evil to attempt an explanation of the magnitude of the evil we face. He presents a concept of the "demonic" as a social force which has risen to a level capable of thwarting "divine" intentions for the world. The chapter is profound and rewarding, illuminating deep issues that are difficult to penetrate.
In Chapter 9 Griffin demonstrates that the American Empire exemplifies the most highly developed demonic force in the world today, and that 9/11 can only be understood from this perspective.
Finally, in Chapter 10, Griffin addresses fellow Christians directly, asking what "the church" can do to resist today's "Roman Empire". He concludes with suggestions for how Christian churches could engage with the demonic power of the American Empire and fight back, as Jesus clearly exhorted them to do.
In summary, Griffin has written his most original and substantial book on 9/11 to date. The specifically Christian concerns and appeals do not make the book inappropriate for non-Christians in any significant way. The book should be read by everyone.Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action Overview

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